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HOuseholds' energy Poverty in the EU: PERspectives for research and policies (HOPPER)



The course is divided into modules. The first and the second modules are aimed at discussing and analyzing the process of economic European integration. Main topics: developments in markets integration at the micro level, trade in Europe and abroad; the macroeconomics of European integration: monetary and fiscal policies after the recent economic crisis; the EU budget. The third module is devoted to the analysis of the economic effects of the pandemic on the European economy and to policy interventions to challenge the expected consequences. This course benefits of the participation of several invited guest speakers such as Dr.Stefano Borgioli (ECB), Dr.Marc Ingo Wolter (GWS) and Dr.Jacopo Arrigoni (Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (see the list of seminars for their specific contributions).

Topics of this module allow to lay the background for analyzing the economic situation of the household sector in European country which is one of the determinants of welfare, poverty, and social exclusion. The post-Covid-19 economic crisis will increase the number of vulnerable households and therefore the phenomenon of energy poverty will become even more serious.

The course language is Italian


Learning Objectives.

The course aims at analysing the economic issues related to the current and future process of European integration through a policy perspective. By the end of this course, students are able to critically analyze and formulate their own ideas and proposals on the most relevant issues in economic policy currently discussed in the EU.


last update: 05-Sep-2023
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