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HOuseholds' energy Poverty in the EU: PERspectives for research and policies (HOPPER)
Home page > Events > HOPPER Scholarship Awards

HOPPER Scholarship Awards


Study visit


Target group

University students




HOPPER benefits from selected bilateral agreements between the University of Florence (reference contact, Rossella Bardazzi) and other high level institutions such as the Riga Technical University (Latvia) and the University of Lodz (Poland). These agreements encompass lectures on European issues, energy markets and policies by all researchers involved in the project.


Networking with researchers and academic institutions are crucial to foster research and organize high-level events and seminars both for researchers and students. We expect that master’ students take advantage of these opportunities of scientific exchange for their final dissertations and for their future careers. A major aim of these scholarships is to finance study visits abroad and to disseminate awareness and knowledge about several energy-related issues in the European integration process in departments where this topic is not included in official curricula but could be relevant for their purposes. In Riga Technical University, our partner (professor T.Tambovceva) belongs to the Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management where the issue of energy poverty in Europe could be easily linked to the efficiency of buildings and construction, which is a policy adopted by the EU to address this problem. The same applies to the other partner institutions in Russia and Poland where the energy poverty is a relevant issue.


The scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis to two students who meet the necessary criteria and are designed to support study visits abroad at partner universities. Outgoing students who will visit and work in host foreign Universities included in the program will qualify for additional credits in their academic careers. Incoming students from foreign universities will be funded by partners.



The call for applications for the HOPPER student awards is open!

The 2023 scholarships have been awarded to the following students: Burchielli Matteo, Ferrieri Caputi Luigi, and Mertens Bob Kasper.




The call for applications for the HOPPER student awards is open!

The 2022 scholarships have been awarded to the following students: Aversa Christian, Gabrielli Francesco, Galantini Bernardo, Pancani Irene and Rodriguez Laura.



last update: 08-Oct-2023
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