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HOuseholds' energy Poverty in the EU: PERspectives for research and policies (HOPPER)



This is a renewed course, aimed at presenting a comprehensive analysis of the issues of energy, environment and European policies from a multidisciplinary perspective, as this course encompasses three different disciplines (energy economics, environmental economics and history of international relations). Although the existing course can be considered successful because of a very high attendance – a step forward to improve student involvement and participation has been envisaged as the added value of the Chair.  

The funding will allows methodological  innovation with the introduction of as three laboratories, to enhance the multidisciplinary perspective and student skills. This course is part of the official track of the Master in International Relations and European (9 ECTS).

The course language is English.

last update: 05-Sep-2023
Unifi Home Page Dpt Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa

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