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HOuseholds' energy Poverty in the EU: PERspectives for research and policies (HOPPER)
Home page > Events > Energy poverty: definition, measurement and policies

Energy poverty: definition, measurement and policies




Target groups

Teachers, university students, researchers, public administrators, professional groups, civil society representatives



2nd, 3rd year - 1st semester




Research outcomes and policy issues will be presented in seminars at IRPET (Regional Institute for Economic Planning of Tuscany), jointly organized with UNIFI, and the Regional Government of Tuscany. IRPET is a leading Italian institution in regional economic research and a consultant of regional public institutions, therefore it plays a key role in gathering stakeholders and policymakers. A long-lasting research relationship exists between the chair proponent and IRPET, therefore joint seminars will be organized to present results to a selected audience of researchers and to policy-makers and policy-advisers. The issue of vulnerable energy consumers will be tackled not only at the EU level but also at the regional level to understand how local policymakers deal with the problem and what kind of policies should be implemented in Tuscany.


A panel of discussants will be jointly selected by IRPET and the proponent and teaching staff. The seminars will be publicized through the UNIFI newsletter but also with IRPET mailing lists including professionals, representatives of civil society and unions, decision-makers. The location of the seminars is Villa la Quiete, the headquarters of IRPET.


last update: 08-Oct-2023
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