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HOuseholds' energy Poverty in the EU: PERspectives for research and policies (HOPPER)

Luciano Lavecchia



Working place

Banca d'Italia, Rome Branch, Italy



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Skills and expertise

Economist at Banca d'Italia, regional research staff. Formerly seconded at the Italian Ministry for Economic Development (2015-2018). Lavecchia’s research interests are focussed on energy economics (energy poverty, RES subsidies), fiscal policy, social capital He drafted the paragraph on the energy poverty strategy within the new National energy strategy.

Selected publications

Energy poverty indicators: energy price, income and statistics with I. Faiella, chapter in Urban Fuel Poverty, edited by Kristian Fabbri, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128169520, July 2019.

Il modello italiano per l'efficienza energetica, chapter in "La transizione energetica", edited by Laura Ammannati, G. Giappichelli Editore, 2018, Torino.

La povertà energetica delle famiglie italiane with C. Amenta, Energia, 2/2017.

Energy poverty in Italy with I. Faiella, Politica economica – Journal of Economic policy, No. 1/2015, April.

La crisi del settore petrolifero italiano: il caso "Sicilia", with F. David, SVIMEZ, Rivista  economica del mezzogiorno, No. 1-2/2014, October 2014.

Capitale sociale, crescita economica e spazio, AISRE, Eyesreg, vol.4, No.4, July 2014. 

Are green jobs real jobs? The case of photovoltaic power in Italy, with C. Stagnaro, Energy & Environment, vol.25, No. 5, pp. 953-970, July 2014.

Managing the liberalization of Italy's retail electricity market: a policy proposal C. Stagnaro, C. Amenta and G. Di Croce, EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2018/45.

A new measure of households' energy poverty, with I. Faiella and M. Borgarello, Banca d'Italia, Occasional paper No. 404, October 2017.

Costs and benefits of relaunching nuclear energy in Italy, with I. Faiella, Banca d'Italia, Occasional Papers, No.114, April 2012.


last update: 14-Nov-2019
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