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HOuseholds' energy Poverty in the EU: PERspectives for research and policies (HOPPER)

Alberto Tonini



Working place

University of Florence

Department of Political and Social Sciences



Institutional web page



Skills and expertise

During the last 14 years, Alberto Tonini has been working on the issues of energy in Italy and Europe. His first research on this topic was devoted to the Italian State Oil Corporation ENI; a second research, originated from the first, focused on European dependency on external oil supply; his current research is devoted to the European Common Energy Policy, its strength, its origin, its meaning and relevance for the future. This last research was included in a larger interdisciplinary research group, EU-Grasp, financed by the 7th Framework Programme. EU-Grasp studies the EU’s regional and global role in a world of changing multilateralism. By studying the evolving EU Common Foreign and Security Policy, EU-GRASP focused on six security issues that are high on the EU-agenda, and energy security was among them.

Selected publications

Tonini A., The EEC Commission and the European Energy Policy: an Historical Appraisal, in Bardazzi, Pazienza, Tonini (eds.), European Energy and Climate Security. Public Policies, Energy Sources, and Eastern Partners, Springer Publishing, 2016, pp. 13-35.​

Tonini A e Giorgetti P.F. (a cura di), L’Europa e il Mediterraneo tra Ottocento e Novecento, Pisa, 2013, pp. 293.

Tonini A., Energy Security and Diversity of Supply within the European Union, 1973-2008, in Proceedings of the Woodrow Wilson Center Alumni Conference, Barcelona 2008, available in topics.documents&group_id=484368

Tonini A., Keen but Raw: Mediterranean Europe Facing New Challenges, in M. Petricioli (ed.) L’Europe méditerranéenne – Mediterranean Europe, Brussels, 2008, pp. 323-337.

Tonini A. (ed.), Towards a New Europe: Identities, Economics, and Institutions, Firenze, 2006, pp. 184.

Tonini A., Il sogno proibito. Mattei, il petrolio arabo e le ‘sette sorelle’, Firenze, 2003, pp. 168.


last update: 19-Nov-2019
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